


Versatile Synthesis of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Imines via Photoelectrochemical Catalysis: Application to N-Terminal Modification of Phenylalanine

作者:Chien-Wei Chiang, Hung-Li Li, Ting-Jun Lin, Hung-Chi Chen, Yi-Hsien Chou, Chih-Ju Chou

Chemistry – A European Journal (SCI)

First published:11 July 2023



A strategy that combines electrochemical synthesis and photoredox catalysis was reported for the efficient synthesis of imines. This approach was demonstrated to be highly versatile in producing various types of imines, including symmetric and unsymmetric imines, by exploring the impact of different substituents on the benzene ring of the arylamine. Additionally, the method was specifically applied to modify N-terminal phenylalanine residues and was found to be successful in photoelectrochemical bioconjugation between NH2-Phe-OMe and aryl methylamines, leading to the synthesis of phenylalanine-containing imines. Therefore, this technique would present a convenient and efficient platform for synthesizing imines, with promising applications in chemical biology, drug development, and organic synthesis.



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